There are just some moments in life that you wish you could freeze and capture forever. Tuesday night was like that for me, and it came so unexpectedly. It had been a pretty busy day. Jeff had been studying for his big securities license test and I had to run all over town in the sweltering heat getting groceries and gas, returning this, taking care of that. Life moved fast on this day until the sun started going down.
We had just eaten dinner, someone came to adopt two of my kittens, I gave Carter a bath and Jeff decided to try putting together the church's huge new screen and projector to test it out. It's so big that he had to set it up in the yard. He plugged in the projector and set up his laptop to show on the screen. While he was doing that, my parents walked over to have some dinner as well. He went inside to grab a DVD so that we could tell the quality of the image. "Walk the Line" started playing and we all found a seat. I was in the rocking chair in the corner, my Dad had Carter in the rocking chair next to me. My Mom was sitting on the bricks and Jeff was in his stadium seat up near the screen. A warm breeze was blowing and the sun was setting all around us as the movie came into clearer view. As I watched my Dad rock Carter and everyone relax around me, the stress and busyness of the day melted off me. I settled into my chair and took a deep breath. I let the dishes stay dirty on the counter. I let the clothes sit in the dryer unfolded and I took about 2 hours out of my life to enjoy being with my family. It got darker and I saw a firefly. I took Carter to bed and got everyone a bowl of frozen yogurt on the way back out. All of a sudden, it was summertime.
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